Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Scandalous Joy

I was reading the story of the "adulterous woman" ... (cue dramatic background music) ... in John chapter 8.  She was "caught in the act" and was seemingly dragged by her hair onto Main Street Jerusalem, naked.  She's immediately thrust into the middle of a story that started unfolding 33 years prior.  Jesus is there.

The religious men ask Jesus to cast judgment.  Instead he bends down, to where she is at, and begins to write in the dirt.  Can you imagine?  This woman was down on the ground trying desperately to preserve what little dignity she had left.  I am sure she was expecting a death sentence.  Instead she opens her eyes to see Christ, the Savior of the world, eye to eye.

His gentle response elicited stunned silence.  "The sinless one among you, go first: throw a stone."  One by one they walk away.

I've been there.

Afraid to open my eyes - not ready to face the ones who know about me.

Standing by, curiously listening to the rumors about her, and carelessly repeating what I heard.

Stone in hand, ready to toss it at the first person who would take the attention off of me.

No need for apologies.  No admission of guilt necessary.  No condemnation.  No public example.

With love, He simply tells her to go, and sin no more.

Scandalous grace ushered in great joy.

Are you wrestling with guilt today?  Open your eyes.  Breathe.  Stop trying to mask your shame.

Are you a curious onlooker, gazing at someone who has been caught in the act? Love.  Extend compassion.

Or maybe you've got a stone in your right hand.  Stop.  When grace is so breathtakingly undeserved, it's hard to imagine why anyone would want to withhold it from another.  I believe, you are never closer to God, as you are in the moment that you forgive another.

Regardless of where you are in your story, grace is available.  And {30} with grace comes immense joy.

Trust me, it's a beautiful thing.

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