{67} Had some color fade kinda quickly after my last hair appt, so my stylist gave me a free redo today. I ♥ having someone else wash my hair. Ahhhhhhh.
{68} We are window shopping for houses right now. Nothing too serious, but it's fun to plan and dream about our future home. I'm grateful for the house we live in now, but I'm looking forward to the day when we have our home. A home with that comfy, cozy feeling. A home where the girls can have sleepovers and prom pictures. I'm getting ahead of myself, I know. But you get the idea. I'm ready to put down some roots.
{69} My little sister brings me ginormous amounts of joy. Her random and hilarious text messages, emails and phone calls brighten my day. I can tell her ANYTHING. Really. Anything. She's smart, beautiful, and organized beyond my wildest dreams. She knows me. She gets me. She loves me. I love her dearly. I want to be like her when I grow up.
{70} Speaking of little sisters, I love watching Heidi try to keep up with her big sisters. She adores the ground they walk on. Here's a shot of her tagging along, playing dress up.
{71} Looking forward to a lunch date tomorrow with the Mr. He's been working night shift the past few weeks and I feel like it's been forever since we've had some quality "us" time. Even better? {72} The lunch date was his idea.
{73} Found the perfect ornament for our Christmas tree. Reminds me daily of the many joys in my life.
I'm in the home stretch. This joy project has been incredibly fulfilling. Sometimes it's easier to focus on the stresses of life rather than the blessings. I am blessed beyond measure.
{74} I have 3 beautiful children who are unique, deep, thoughtful, loving, silly, and stunning in their own little ways. My heart breaks at the thought that I may have missed a beautiful moment to embrace their uniqueness, answer their questions, listen to their ideas, and encourage their wildest dreams.
I'm slowing down. I'm listening now.
Tear. Love you big sis. Looking forward to thurs night!