Thursday, December 9, 2010

Joy ~ The Big Picture

Another night of vomiting.  This time the unintended target was our bed.  Sheets, comforter and all.  Laundry at 3 am is not fun.  So, alas, another day off for me and the girls. {10} Thankful for a boss that understands and empathizes.  Can't imagine the stress that some moms face when they have sick kids and a job with no flexibility.

Since I'll be spending the day at home today, I should have some time to get Christmas cards addressed.  {11} Feels good to be ahead of the game for once.

Our community faced a tragedy over Thanksgiving weekend.  An 8 year old boy that goes to my daughter's school passed away unexpectedly.  My heart aches for his mom, dad, brothers and sisters.  Really puts things into perspective.  {12} Finding deep joy in the fact that my family is healthy.  Vomit at 3 am isn't so bad after all.

{13} All 3 kids are napping, at the same time.  {14} Kitchen floors mopped.  {15} Bedrooms vacuumed.  {16} All vomit covered sheets, blankets, pajamas, and stuffed lovies are washed.

{17} Enjoying some quiet after a chaotic 24 hours.  Just me, my sweet tea and my Twix bar (which I pulled out of hiding -- I hate to share chocolate).

{18} Found some incredibly cute and silly photos on my phone of Ava, London, and Heidi.  They confiscated it without my knowledge and gave me some unexpected moments of joy.

I realize that there is a difference between being joyful and finding moment of joy.  However, I also realize that the moments of joy are crucial pieces of the puzzle.  Get enough pieces linked together and a beautiful, joyful picture begins to reveal itself.

I hope you are finding joy today.

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness your girls are so adorable! how could any of them vomit??

    i kid.

    so sorry your family was sick.
