Starting Over. Again.
Makes me breathe a little easier. Makes the stress a little less burdensome. I get another chance.
If this joy project has taught me anything, it's that the little steps are the most important. Giving myself 5 extra seconds to reign it in, before losing my cool with the kids. Taking 5 minutes to call a friend and let them know I am thinking about them. Getting down on the floor for 20 minutes to have a tea party with Ava. Listening to the giggles in the other room while the girls play in their forts made out of sofa cushions and blankets from every bed in the house. I can clean it up later. Closing the computer and listening to the adventures my husband had at work. Meeting my sister for coffee. Praying for 20 minutes uninterrupted. Following through on a promise. Smiling.
I am grateful that every morning brings another chance to love my children well, appreciate my husband, connect with my God and live the life He designed for me.
My final 5 joys of 2010:
{96} Family. We laugh together, cry together, rejoice together and mourn together.
{97} Grace. He never gives up on me.
{98} God Moments. You know the ones where you feel His presence so thick that you don't want to move. The unexpected phone call that brings an answer to a prayer you've been praying privately. The person who speaks into your life without any knowledge of the situation that has been keeping you awake at night. It's all Him. Blows my mind. The same Jesus that the world celebrates on Christmas. The God that parted the Red Sea and was with the 3 Hebrew boys in the fire. He is looking out for me. He loves me. He wants the best for me. He has plans for me! I don't know about you but that rocks my world at it's core.
{99} 2010. At the end of the day, I close this year with joy. Every experience has taught me a lesson that I can take with me into the new year. Yesterday's heartbreak gives me the unique opportunity to walk alongside someone who will experience similar heartache tomorrow. This year has brought countless moments of laughter, joy, peace, fulfillment, and love. Regardless of my circumstances, I am blessed and I will bring praise to the One who divinely inspires every moment.
{100} 2011. I am giddy about the possibilities. New adventures, mind-blowing God moments, new friends, stronger relationships, personal growth, laughing til I cry, intimate conversations. New beginnings. Another chance. Starting again.

Love and prayers and I'll see you in the new year.
{98} God Moments. You know the ones where you feel His presence so thick that you don't want to move. The unexpected phone call that brings an answer to a prayer you've been praying privately. The person who speaks into your life without any knowledge of the situation that has been keeping you awake at night. It's all Him. Blows my mind. The same Jesus that the world celebrates on Christmas. The God that parted the Red Sea and was with the 3 Hebrew boys in the fire. He is looking out for me. He loves me. He wants the best for me. He has plans for me! I don't know about you but that rocks my world at it's core.
{99} 2010. At the end of the day, I close this year with joy. Every experience has taught me a lesson that I can take with me into the new year. Yesterday's heartbreak gives me the unique opportunity to walk alongside someone who will experience similar heartache tomorrow. This year has brought countless moments of laughter, joy, peace, fulfillment, and love. Regardless of my circumstances, I am blessed and I will bring praise to the One who divinely inspires every moment.
{100} 2011. I am giddy about the possibilities. New adventures, mind-blowing God moments, new friends, stronger relationships, personal growth, laughing til I cry, intimate conversations. New beginnings. Another chance. Starting again.

Love and prayers and I'll see you in the new year.
I can honestly say that I would really appreciate if you went on from 100...Reading your blog when you post it just makes me feel good about everyday things. Christie you are an amazing mom, wife, and especially friend. I am grateful that I/we were able to be a part of your families lives this year...Happy New Year to everyone!!