Saturday, January 29, 2011


Sometimes I forget to breathe.

Breathing is important.  Breath brings life.

Or maybe life brings breath.

My mind has been set on the name YHWH.  Somehow, in some mysterious way, it brings calm when I speak it.  When I say the name YHWH it sounds like I am breathing.

It reminds me to breathe.  Slow down.  Breathe.  Pause.  Breathe.

Stop struggling to heave in giant gulps of air.

It's ok to sit down and pause.  And it's ok to sit for a season.

Breathe in YHWH and allow Him to breathe into you.

1 comment:

  1. My family tease me because I say all the time, "Take a breath....breathe." It works. Think I'll go breath for a minute. (or two) lol. Love it when you post a new blog!
