I think that's the worst. When you have your heart set on something and you're only met with disappointment.
However, as I walked to my car this morning, in the drizzly rain and cold air, I looked down and saw a flower. One single flower, in the midst of the downpour...with beautiful colors, full of life. I smiled. It was a reminder that spring is coming. It was His reminder to me that it's all a part of the process. And it won't always be this way.
I love the small, but significant reminders, in the midst of the downpour.
An unexpected, and perfectly timed text message from my sister. Just a simple, "love you sis". A bright flash of sunshine in the midst of the rain. I'm talking perfect-to-the-minute-when-I-needed-it-the-most. (How does she do that?)
A gift-just-because from a lifelong friend. You know the friends that have always been there and you can't imagine them not being there? Been there through boyfriends, bridal parties, and babies. A small, but sentimental token of our friendship. Again, perfectly timed. (How does she do that?)
I think it all ties back to Him. He is looking out for me. Sending tokens of His love through the messengers that can best relay it in my life. He uses them to show me that spring is coming.
My heart is happy today. Because of sisters and friends. The ones who take a few insignificant moments and make them come alive. Moments that breathe joy and life and hope in the midst of the downpour.
The winter is past; the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come.
(Song of Solomon 2:11-12)