Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I love listening to Ava tell me about her day.

 It's always full of silliness involving her & her best friends.  Stories about sharing cupcakes, fun at recess, planned sleepovers, and silly jokes in typical six-year-old-girl fashion.

There are days when I wish I could be her best friend.
I’d be the friend who always saved her a seat at lunch.
We'd go to music, gym and art together.
We'd tell secrets and giggle when "he" walks by.
We'd make up songs and jokes and stories.  And laugh hysterically at each other. 

I’d be the friend who would invite her to sleepovers, 
sharing my toys, my pillows and my dress up clothes.

When it was time to find a partner, we would run to each other and hold 
hands tightly making our friendship known to everyone.

I would hold her hand through break-ups and laugh at her quirkiness.  
I'd “get” her the way no one else does.  
I’d love her even after she couldn’t stop her anger or tears.

We would shop for prom dresses together.  
We'd roll our eyes at the hundreds of pictures taken.  
We would wait patiently while our Dads lay down the law to our dates.  

We’d make huge mistakes together, 
and maybe even hit some rough spots during our friendship.

We would always look for each other at birthdays, graduations and weddings.

And when I got a phone call in the early morning hours saying, “It’s time,”
I’d speed over to the hospital to hold her hand yet again.  
I’d scoop up her newborn baby and remember the times we told secrets with ribbons in our braids.

I want that for her.
I wish I could save her from loneliness.  
I’d love her fiercely the way only a true friend can.

Instead I am a mother. I am her mother.  

So I pray.   
For a girl who will love her.  
For a friend who will stand with her and sit with her and walk with her.  
For a friend who will always be there, despite time, boyfriends or circumstances.

And I teach.  
Teach her how to be that friend to others.  

And then I step back.  And wait.  
I know there will be days when she will be hurt and left out and rejected.  
But there will also be many more days when she will be 
loved and wanted and cared for.

I cannot be her best friend but I will do all that I can for her.  
And I know that she will be ok.


  1. Your post was wonderful... Well I can tell you this...Having 2 girls who think Ava is part of there life is fantastic. Knowing and listening to Ava throughout her day gives me great comfort in the fact that she has had 2 wonderful parents and have raised her this far and have done a wonderful job. Ava is talked about all of the time to where sometimes I have to look around and make sure she isn't here. To me if my children are bringing home the kindness and friendship that Ava puts out in her day then they are going to all be great girls. And look at it this way....At least the two of us can sit back and giggle with them :)

  2. Thanks for sharing and making me tear up thinking about it!! Kids they sure do hold your heart!! Love it!

  3. Christie this was beautiful! I'm now in a puddle. Love you girl. You are so favored

  4. This is such a sweet post. I have an Ava too... one that I feel the same way about. :) Thanks for sharing your heart.
